
Exposed: 'Fear Inc.' - The Anti-Muslim Hate Industry

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/26/2011 4:23:03 pm PDT

The one true thing you could say about the article is that it does not concern itself almost at all with the way that Sharia law is used in the semi-theocratic Muslim countries as part of the oppression of the populace. I wouldn’t think anyone would need a refresher on that, but again, that’s completely outside the point of the report. Sharia law is not any threat to the US, because it is not possible, either demographically or legally, for it to gain a toehold here.

If they did go into that detail, they would be pointing out that American Muslims would be seen, largely, as apostates, corrupt, etc. by the fundamentalist Sharia types— which would rather underscore their point.