
Breitbart's Fans React to Facts Like Vampires to Sunlight

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin10/17/2011 4:03:48 am PDT

re: #363 boxhead

I just had a slightly sleep deprived epiphany. I always wondered why as I watched the Righties froth over the latest fake outrage, something felt familiar about their approach. Now I know why… In collage I had a Chen teacher who would grade the outcome of our labs based on how close we got to the exact solution or number we were looking for. Sounds good so far. But if you knew the primitive methods we had to employ to find such things as the Avogadro constant, you would understand why we, “penciled in” the lab. To get a good grade, we came up with the answer we wanted first, then filled everything in between to support our conclusion. That is exactly what the Right Wing hate machine does. Find a target, make some shit up, and then make up more shit to support it.

hmm maybe that is not so worthy of the epiphany word…

Well, it’s all they’ve got. They’re capable of doing better, but out of either laziness or delusion, they just don’t.

I can say from experience, when you’re in an environment where all knowledge worth knowing is transmitted through third parties that claim a direct connection to the Source of all knowledge, your method is bound to be screwy.