
Gallup's Darwin's Birthday Evolution Poll

aussie_dave2/12/2009 9:04:54 pm PST

re: #328 Mich-again

What is the disconnect between evolution and natural selection? You don’t believe in genetic mutations?

On Natural Selection (“NS”) versus Evolution. I can readily accept that NS occurs. It is occurring right before our very eyes in the Western world where changes in diet (fast food/grains/high calorie- low nutrition foods) are changing the population, and quickly. Some expamples of the NA process are: Increasing Obesity, higher infertility, age onset diseases in children, which, without intervention, would cause people who are unable to adapt, to die out . Hence the ones who can adapt to these new diets will survive and breed and prosper. Of course, we intervene with radical surgery, in vitro fertilisation, drugs etc. But that is NA at work,is it not?

So, we have all this NA going on, changing the human population. But at the end of the day, we are still humans. If the Ozone layer disappeared, and only very dark skinned people could survive, and the most dark ones only continued to breed, wouldnt they still be human?

That is how I see NA versus Evolution.