
Montana GOP Creationist Lawmaker: It's a "Monumental Leap" to Believe in Evolution

šŸˆ Crush White Christian Nationalism šŸˆ1/27/2013 8:10:04 pm PST

re: #341 stabby

Anyway, my point is who the fuck calls 911 whenever they see a black boy? HE IS RETARDED.

Heā€™s stupid, not retarded.

Iā€™m going to share my weird belief with you. I donā€™t often take the time to explain this to people, as itā€™s only going to get me an odd look from most people.

Iā€™m actually somewhat sympathetic to what I think youā€™re saying, because Iā€™m a strict materialist that wonā€™t believe in free-will until someone either demonstrates a mechanism to create free will in a meat machine thatā€™s just a small part of a mechanistic universe of causes and effects that started with the Big Bang, or I go supernaturalist in my old age. Quantum randomness doesnā€™t help me, because that places the degree of freedom in a random factor, rather than my consciousness, and just results in a universe with no free-will that can play out in more than one way if a god ran the process multiple times.

I think weā€™re all effects of that first cause, conscious matter that believes itā€™s making choices when acting the only way it could based on existing inputs, so no one can actually help what they are, their life just plays out as it always would have.

I also believe that behaving as if this is true makes for a shitty life, so I act as if I have free-will, but my beliefs enable me to see myself in any other personā€™s shoes if Iā€™d received their DNA, nutrition and upbringing, because thatā€™s all we are.