
RedState's Erickson Gets Hate Mail

Gus1/15/2010 8:20:46 pm PST

re: #333 iceweasel

re: #322 Gus 802

re: #321 Obdicut

re: #315 celticdragon

Agreed, with all. Casablanca is probably my all time fave movie too.
Apparently this Moriarty wanker has also ‘analysed’ It’s A Wonderful Life and found it to be seekrit commie propaganda, or something.

More here!

Perhaps it’s genetic and, because I’m Irish-American, I’m sounding like Joseph McCarthy when he railed against Communism with his Un-American Activities Committee. Plus, with a name like Moriarty, given that’s the “handle” for the major villain in the World of Sherlock Holmes, I’m doubly cursed…

Now we have America hanging precipitously on the lip of a bottomless and deceptively tyrannical well called the Progressive New World Order.

The Soros/Obama/MSM/Hollywood/Chicago/New York/Far Left coalition would prefer that the Tea Partiers and 9/12ers and Fox News and Rupert Murdoch’s Counter-Revolutionary Empire sit silently by while the virtually Marxist New World Order is built!

Hmmmm, again!!

The Blue Dogs, however, those Democrats whose knees shake increasingly before they vote Obama Care into a fait accompli?

Blue Dogs have predecessors in Hollywood such as Gary Cooper, legendary stars who had discovered some of the political nightmares they were caught in … increasingly dark.

The first and most publicly challenged of the Hollywood Blue Dogs was Humphrey Bogart.

These Blue Dog Legends, seemingly poised in a kind of Swiss neutrality, were indeed carried by the Rhone River and frequently against their will, into the communes of legendary French Communism … now better known as the Objectives of the American Progressive New World Order.

Wow. What a nut.