
Breitbart's Fans React to Facts Like Vampires to Sunlight

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin10/17/2011 4:16:04 am PDT

re: #349 Jimmah

The kind of right wingers we are talking about probably wouldn’t really count you as a Jew. Unless you would be willing to launch Israel into all-out war with teh Muslims, your a self hating libtard Jew, or as Crazy Pam would put it, a ‘kapo’. I’ve noticed that wingnuts are always looking to delegitimise liberal Jews in this way while promoting the kind of freaks who are in step with their image of what a Jew should be, and how they should think.

They do the something very similar with liberal/Democratic-voting Blacks. Which is to say, they revile and resent those they are unable to control, which is to say in turn…most Blacks.

In today’s parlance, they trot out images of slavery and segregation: we’re on the plantation if we vote D, Obama is the slave driver because there’s no jobs, we’re killing our babies with abortions just like Massa did, and since they’ve never thought much of our intellectual capacities, they expect people to fall for this crud.

The idea is related. The people who hate you the most purport to define you and punish you if you disagree. But “judeo-liberal” - that is some nasty, nasty sauce. These are the people claiming to be so in love with Jews these days? How the eff is that any different from the same old anti-Jewish commiebaitng since what, 1840?

That shyt is directly out of Stormfront.