
Working Hard, or Hardly Working? Congress Gives Themselves 239 Vacation Days in 2013

A Mom Anon9/02/2013 1:20:23 pm PDT

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Can we just dispense with the bullshit that Occupy, AS IT STANDS RIGHT NOW, is somehow indicative of “the left”? That it has found itself hijacked by freaking idiots? That idealistic young people got lead into thinking there’s such a thing as a “leaderless movement”? And that it in NO way is at all representative of THE vast majority of liberals like me? That it is entirely possible that good ideas get ruined by morons who take over in order to profit or publicize themselves? Because that is the reality.

Also, if you have a hard on for anything for more than 4 hours(weeks/months), you probably ought to seek medical attention.