
And Now, Inevitably, Rudy Giuliani Plays the Victim Card

BeachDem2/21/2015 12:22:22 pm PST

Back to Weigel’s steaming pile for a moment. Some of the more noxious segments:

The Walker cameo clearly turned this into a news-swallowing story

That’s some bullshit right there.

The Democrats egged it on.

The MBF makes its first appearance. And, yeah, great logic that the Dem reaction was to cover for DWS. Talk about bullshit mountain.

All Thursday, the offices of potential Republican candidates were asked to react to Rudy Giuliani. …a gaffe in the media capital of the world matters more than a gaffe in the hinterlands.

Ah, now it’s merely a “gaffe” and the media only created an idiotic frenzy because he said it in NY, not because it was an obnoxious, repulsive comment made by an obnoxious, repulsive has-been.

The media seemed to be making up rules as it went along. In 2008, Barack Obama said it was “unpatriotic” for George W. Bush to add trillions to the national debt. In 2004, Howard Dean warned Democratic voters that there was “a group of people around the President whose main allegiance is to each other and their ideology rather than to the United States.” And then there was Giuliani. When he spoke, we learned that it was off-limits for someone to question an opponent’s patriotism.

So much crap right there. Obama called out a POLICY, not a person’s “heart.” Rudy is not Obama’s opponent, and Obama is the fucking PRESIDENT, not some nameless politician. Holy mother of Pearl, Weigel, you are such an asshole.

This is a deep source of conservative frustration. They want to accuse Obama of radicalism…when they try, they’re accused of othering, and racism.”

Wah wah, poor misunderstood conservatives. Pro-tip, don’t want to be accused of racism? Don’t be a fucking racist.

All in all, it’s what I’ve come to expect from Weigel, who, though he will occasionally have a moment of clarity, is basically an apologist and an “splainer” for the right-wing. Spit.