
The Confederate Flag Is Coming Down, but South Carolina Doesn't Deserve Congratulations

Dr Lizardo7/09/2015 10:37:44 am PDT

A bit more on Greece here:

International observers have been telling us today that the package is likely to be so punitive that humanitarian aid cannot be ruled out.

EU president Jean Claude Juncker had mentioned humanitarian aid as part of the “detailed Grexit scenario” plans creditors had drawn up. EU diplomats based in Athens said some form of assistance is likely to be given even if am agreement between Greece its creditors is reached.

Syriza MPs have been telling our Helena Smith that the big no received in the referendum on Sunday was a “confidence vote” in Tsipras who like no other prime minister before now has the popular support to enforce such punitive measures.

That is not how the far far left (or indeed the far left in Syriza) see things. Strikes, rallies and protests should be expected in weeks ahead.

That bolded part is some damned fine spin, I must say. If we could harness that many RPM’s and convert it to electricity, we could power the Eastern Seaboard for a decade, at least.