
Chas Freeman's Paranoid Statement

Afrocity3/11/2009 8:37:36 am PDT

Morning Lizards,

I would like to enlist your help in battling the MSM. ABC reporter Jake Tapper has a blog called political punch. Daily I am battling liberals. It woudl be nice to have other conservatives posting there. Today, as my fellow LGF-ers predicted, the shootings in IL and Alabama have prompted anti-gun freaks. Someone posted this statement on Political Punch:

I HOPE After the Deadly Shooting In AL Yesterday, And The shooting In IL Sunday. President Obama and Congress CHANGE The Gun Laws so Guns dont end up in the Hands of Maniacs And Innocent people Keep Dying! time to CHANGE THE GUN LAWS!

There are also comments being made over the Chase Freeman incident which give us some hope:

I used to support President Barack Obama, but it’s clear Barack Obama makes terrible choices when he chooses his administrators. The tax-cheat Geither, the tax-cheat Daschle, the tax-cheat Killefer, the corrupt Richardson, the lobbyist Lynn and Coor, and we just now found out Barack Obama signed two more “waivers” to allow lobbyists into the White House.

In other words blogs are a form of communication and while ABC is part of liberal mainstream media, I think we can show our support for conservative values by posting there occasionally. Now it is only myself and a few other conservatives. Your opinions may cause someone to stop and think.

Here is the link to Political Punch- thank you

Political Punch