
Laughable Headline of the Day

lawhawk5/28/2009 10:25:55 am PDT

The media and the diplomats continue to spout off on the pseudoreality of the situation. They invent their own reality and substitute their own wishful thinking for the facts as they are.

Those facts include that the PA has refused to fulfill its obligations under Oslo. The world demands more concessions from Israel in the name of peace without making demands that the Palestinians do anything - like give up its war crimes of firing rockets and mortars against Israeli women and children.

Those facts include indoctrinating kids into jihad and hating Israel, which are specifically mentioned under Oslo.

That includes denouncing jihadis killed or captured while attacking Israel, instead of treating them as martyrs and honoring them as conquering heroes (hey, Samir Kuntar, I’m looking at you).

It means demanding that the UN deal with Hizbullah and disarm the terrorist group under UN SCR 1701, because they still threaten to attack Israel at the time and place of its choosing.

It means giving up the whole idea that settlements are an obstruction to peace. Unilateral withdrawal from Gaza shows that Israel can and has withdrawn from territories and communities, and the results have been war - the rocket war (which would have been war by suicide bomber but for the security fence, which itself is attacked for being too harsh on Palestinians). Stop attacking Israel, and you don’t have security checkpoints and fences.

I believe that Israel can and would give up the West Bank in the name of peace, but even that wouldn’t be enough since the Palestinians demand Jerusalem as well. That’s a nonstarter, and until such time that the world recognizes Israel’s right to Jerusalem, this conflict continues. Heck, the Arab world refuses to recognize Israel generally, except as a target for their ire (to deflect attention from their own inadequacies), or to secretly thank them when the Israelis take out major threats to their own regime (like terrorist masters and nuclear programs).