
The Moebius Strip at the Center of the Galaxy

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/19/2011 4:52:54 pm PDT

re: #24 Kid A

OT, I just posted a page about Allen West’s email to Wasserman-Schultz. I then read the comments, and came across this gem from ALL-CAPS guy:

“Do YOU TARDS realize that what Wasseruperdude-Schlitz spewed can be found in EVERY COMMUNIST Manifesto, Paper, Publication, and in SAUL ALINSKY’S book? WHY ARE YOU TARDS A BUNCH OF AZZHOLE COMMIES??? Guys like me believe it’s better DEAD THAN RED. There’s lots of guys like me. LOTS.”

LOTS!!! LOL!!!

Ugh, why are they always so loud.