
David Brooks Smells Something Funny

Gus3/04/2009 11:20:03 am PST

re: #367 funky chicken

From what I’ve seen, Steele is trying to move past this stupidity, but the “true conservatives” won’t let the story die.

Limbaugh needs to tell his lackies to STFU, if he can get his ego under control enough to do it.

The thing that I don’t understand is that Michael Steele is essentially the CEO of the RNC. Master and commander of a party that chose him to be their leader. The conservative principle in this case would be that one would respect and defer to the authority figure which in this case should be, by tradition, Michael Steele. Somewhere along the line the pundits and Mr. Limbaugh seem to have forgotten this.

At this point Mr. Steele has lost face with the general public. It is also creating even greater negative publicity for the Republican party and providing the ultimate in political fodder for the White House. Even if Mr. Steele were to be replaced the assumption from now on would be that the Republican chairman’s authority is close to nil.