
Posner on Sotomayor

Walter L. Newton5/26/2009 1:08:56 pm PDT

Obama keeps telling us it’s not about race. Yes, it is a lot about race. That term has become a mantra from the left to make conservatives feel bad about the past race relations in this country. Well, yes, we do have things to own up to when it comes to past race relations.

But, using a term like “it’s not about race” and badgering us with it over and over, and then at the same time making decisions, making appointments and making laws that IS ABOUT RACE, is ludicrous.

It’s sleight of hand. It’s trying to make us walk on ice in regards to racial issues, when at the same time, they use race as bargaining chip, a tactic, a way to play favorites.

No, I’m not going to support a judge that can make statement like that and at the same time the left is telling me I have to ignore statements like that.

I’m a magician myself, you can’t fool me like that.