
The Copenhagen Diagnosis

Guanxi8811/24/2009 5:38:20 pm PST

Honest to Pete!

So, cut out eating beef. Fine. With what shall I replace this protein source? Remember, Westerners aren’t used to consuming large quantities of bulky vegetables and such, and a good many of us (my #2 daughter) can’t do the soy thing at all. That leaves grains and legumes. We’d have to farm those at an even heavier rate than we do now, and I’d bet there’d be some negative consequence to that (higher food prices in the developing world, for one thing).

So, reduce CO2 emissions from electrical generation facilities. Fine. So we sit in the cold and dark and pay outrageously elevated utility bills until some new generating system (approved by environmental, “Greens”, anti-nuke neurotics, and everybody else) comes on line? And folks in the developing world die in the dirt for want of refrigeration and electricity?

Seriously, I realize that AGW is Teh Sukk, but the proposed alternatives look like little more than a misanthropic tax-collector’s wet-dream version of a planetary snuff film.