
Yet Another Bogus Ebola-Obama Conspiracy Story From the Dumbest Man on the Internet

goddamnedfrank11/06/2014 3:24:27 pm PST

re: #363 Blind Frog Ebola White

That’s why we waited until the South was ready to accept desegregation and interracial marriage.

Josh says that the Constitution protects race, except it explicitly only mentions race in the context of the right to vote, nothing else. When pushed he admits he thinks that there was no Constitutional basis for Loving, but insists rather illogically that it’s that or nothing.

Somehow we’re supposed to magically divine the intent of the old, dead, straight white male legislators who authored the 14th Amendment, and use that imaginary supposition to override and completely ignore the plain language bit they actually wrote about “any person.” Because being a “textualist” apparently means ignoring the actual text whenever it’s ideologically convenient.