
Climategate Scientist Vindicated By Penn State Investigation

Mad Prophet Ludwig2/03/2010 6:23:23 pm PST

re: #373 Cato the Elder

Oh cut me a break. There is such a thing as settled science. It really does work and it is not as if I haven’t linked everyone here dozens of respectable papers covering all sorts of different facets of this story.

It is not possible for it all to be lies or all to be misleading. This is not about ego or saying ouch. This is about wondering why you are bothering to play this game. So please spare me the false indignation and other brave talk abut how you are some crotchety independent thinker. If you have a real beef amke it. If not, don’t play games. If you want to spout nihilism then fine, you always do, yes yes, everyone is fucked…

The science says not yet and we have a chance to still do something.

Now care to be part of the solution or to remain part of the problem?