
Mickey the Meth Dealer

iceweasel6/22/2010 12:16:50 am PDT

re: #364 Gus 802

FEMA camps! Death panels! Internationalists! They’re going to take away our guns! The guns meme is the worst. Let’s see we’re almost on year 2 and haven’t seen one damn law limiting their possession or the 2nd Amendment. In fact, it’s gone the other way around with state laws allowing people to bring a gun into churches, bars, and saloon. In fact most have expanded concealed and open carry laws. Not satisfied with that they continue to make up stories trying to stir up fear in gun owners and non-owners alike.

As to the gun meme— the NRA has deliberately been pushing misinformation, not to say lies, on it since before the election.

The FEMA bullshit seems to still be with us. Check this out from May:
On the Persistent Rumour About FEMA Camps

A strange thing happened to a friend of mine the other day. She was at work when she noticed a coworker looking rather sullen in the corner of the office. She went to ask what was wrong, when suddenly her coworker broke into fits of wailing and sobbing. The woman’s shoulders convulsed with such force as she cried, that my friend assumed there must have been a death in the family, or that someone close to her was sick or dying. My friend immediately tried to comfort her and ask what was wrong.

This is what she was told:

FEMA was building camps to round up and annihilate Christians. The roundup would start soon, but it would move slowly and quietly. Whole families would disappear and not be heard from again, but it would be made to look like they simply moved out of town. Christian children, her children, would be gassed and put into plastic coffins. Two of the woman’s friends had already moved out of the country. Others were following soon. She intended to join them as soon as she could save up enough money. But finances were tight and it might be too late.

What made this incident especially strange for my friend was that her coworker was not unintelligent or incompetent. She spoke three languages, was good at her job, and had managed to raise three children, by herself, at a relatively young age. The whole FEMA camp thing is pretty 2008, yet the woman’s fear was so palpable that she still called me to double-check.