
ADL Condemns Remarks by Geert Wilders

Hhar4/30/2009 4:09:12 pm PDT

Well, I can understand some of that: Israel is about national survival to many Jews, and that is an important priority. Tolerance for secular behavior I have a lot of, but defining Judaism by a political position, no, that I don’t sympathise with. For instance, I don’t really object to (some) antiZionist haredim as Jews: I may object to many of the things they do, as antiZionists, but they aren’t less Jewish for it. Many of them are taking what they think is a principled stance on an important theological point. If anything, their stubborn (insert unflattering adjectives here) contrarianism makes them more Jewish in some ways…….but I digress. I don’t object to secular Jews telling me that I should be secular. It’s their opinion. I DO object to someone being BOTH secular AND telling everybody else they aren’t really Jewish. I mean, walk the walk, Geller. Bet she hasn’t been to a mikveh lately.