
'Return of the Jedi' - If Directed by David Lynch

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/21/2014 5:42:51 am PDT

re: #362 Rev_Arthur_Belling

The people who have been gaga over vox confuse me. It’s just another media site, and as you say, it’s on the fluffy side, and yet credulous people are treating it as though it’s something new.

I really don’t get how people get continually hoodwinked by the media’s endless rebranding. Factchecking, explanatory journalism, yadda yadda: it’s all stuff that all journalism should be doing, and very few of the places claiming they’re doing any of it do it in any sort of consistent way.

It seems like its an endless appeal to the knee-jerk contrarians.