
Massachusetts Prepares to Drink the Tea

captdiggs1/18/2010 7:27:50 pm PST

re: #5 Racer X

Far Right?

He seemed fairly middle of the road to me.

He is. At least one Mass. liberal paper has endorsed him as well as some democratic heavy unions as a centrist , pro choice, pro environment, republican, who has worked well with state democrats.
A Tufts graduate, attorney, Lt. Colonel in the National Guard, well spoken and has a good grasp of the issues. ( on the other side, Coakley thinks that all the terrorists in Afghanistan have disappeared).

Aside from the obvious earthquake this is in the bluest of blue states, I find it a repudiation of the hysterical leftist media that has gone off the rails about how a moderate Republican can’t be elected because of the far right elements of the party.