
More Scenes From a Tea Party

Kosh's Shadow9/13/2009 7:39:29 pm PDT

re: #220 Sharmuta

I don’t disagree with you. But at this point the de facto leaders of the party- beck, rush, etc.- would skewer him and sink any chance he has to get the nomination, and before we’ve even reached the mid-term elections. The few who have tried to speak up have been back handed- look at what happened to Steele, and he actually IS in a position of leadership! To remain outside of this issue at this point keeps Romney alive. Keeping Romney alive at this point is our best shot at taking back the party.

This might explain it. I understand Romney is keeping his head down now; this from a Republican Town Committee member. He may or may not have actual knowledge, but he is from Mass.
(I see him at services at Chabad)