
EBay Says No to Scott Roeder Benefit Auction

simoom10/28/2009 12:12:54 pm PDT

Further evidence that Hot Air commenters have serious issues with powerful women from a Valerie Jarret thread.

Since I often have problems with running out of space I’m going to split this into three smaller posts, the first focused on the violent comments, the second on the misogyny and finally the racial comments.

Violence fantasies:

Is there a single one of these Administration types with whom you’d like to spend even one closed-elevator-door second?

I’d hand them over to some Afghanistan deployed SEALS, maybe those waiting for some assistance, in that elevator, may the best MEN win.

I’d love to be alone in an elevator for a minute with most of ‘em…only with a biily club in my hand.

It’s ironic that part of the comfort and arrogance of the Obamas, Jarretts, Axelrods, Emanuels, et al, resides in a (subliminal level only) belief that America is fair and just- and that their machinations will not result in a Mussolini style ending for them.

If they succeed in their plans for causing grave harm to this country, their final mnage might not be as pleasant as they would imagine.

From the Wikipedia Mussolini Article:

In late April 1945, with total defeat looming, Mussolini attempted to escape to Switzerland, only to be captured and summarily executed near Lake Como by Italian partisans. … After being shot, kicked, and spat upon, the bodies were hung upside down on meathooks from the roof of a gas station. The bodies were then stoned by civilians from below.