
John Birch Society: 2009 Was a 'Record Setting Year'

metrolibertarian1/09/2010 4:01:43 pm PST

You know I thought my previous post listing the underwriters of this blog was extreme in its level on conspiratorial nutcase-ness. Nope, this is from an article on the jbs website:

Labeling in turn as “unsubstantiated and speculative” the conspiratorial activities of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and Council of Foreign Relations, Mr. Salcido includes a few insulting accusations aimed at those who see deliberate evil in the work of such persons and groups. He even aimed one of his darts at anyone who believes the Illuminati has ever been part of a conspiracy against civilization.

I wonder, do these people read The Da Vinci Code and other Dan Brown books, and come away thinking “wow, this man’s a prophet” instead of the more natural reaction of “wow, this man’s such a shitty writer, what the hell is wrong with fiction writing?”