
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/09/2010 5:10:37 pm PDT

re: #32 Dark_Falcon

OT: Ludwig, this article is for you:

Attack on climate scientist just latest in a long line

The immediate trigger for the letter Virginia State Attorney General Kenneth T. Cuccinelli’s recent demand that climate scientist Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, produce a large volume of paperwork related to his scientific research and communications with fellow scientists during his years at University of Virginia from 1999 to 2005. “McCarthyite” is how the scientists characterize Cuccinelli’s action, filed under the state’s Fraud Against Taxpayers Act.

In 1995, a group called Global Climate Coalition, composed of the American Petroleum Institute and a host of fossil-fuel dependent corporations, attacked Benjamin Santer, a scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory who had done key work demonstrating the human “fingerprint” on climate

Perhaps no scientific name is more associated with global warming than Roger Revelle, mentor to Al Gore, who first warned of the risks of human-caused climate change in the 1950s. In 1992, a paper was released that claimed Revelle had changed his mind about global warming and no longer believed it was a problem. The claim was repeated many times in the mass media, including The New Republic and The Washington Post.
Revelle was elderly and seriously ill at the time, and died before he had a chance to respond. His graduate student, Justin Lancaster, tried to set the record straight by publicly disputing the claim. He was soon sued by the author of the claim, and lacking funds to defend himself, was forced to settle out of court, leaving his personal and professional life in tatters.

And then we can talk about the vilification of Hansen or the attempts of the Bush administration to quash NASA GISS. And then we can talk about the Marshall institute and the massive media campaign of misinformation.

There actually is a conspiracy out there to distort the facts about AGW. It is well funded and well organized. It is the right wing doing it.