
Obama Family Gets a New Puppy, Daily Caller Says: "The Obamas Do Not Have Any White Dogs"

Dark_Falcon8/20/2013 2:25:47 pm PDT

re: #369 blueraven

But we cant have background checks to prevent the mentally disturbed from purchasing a gun?

Thanks Congress!

The law already provides for those, its often that the states don’t accurately list the mentally ill.

Florida recently had a minor dust-up over this issue. The governor’s commission on the mentally ill recommended that the law be changed so that a person diagnosed as a threat to himself/herself or others who voluntarily agreed to accept treatment would lose his/her rights to own a gun until certified as no longer a danger by a judge.

The legal change, written with the active aid of the NRA, was a smart, sensible change. But that did not prevent it from being attacked by dudebro groups such a the GOA whose main stated quarrels seemed to rest on conspiracy theories, and whose real problem with the law seemed to be an intense hatred for governmental authority.