
Herman Cain's Sexual Harassment Incident Led to 'Urgent Discussions' at NRA

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin11/04/2011 8:36:10 am PDT

re: #363 OhNoZombies!

If the woman exposes herself, and HC’s supporters get to see what she looks like, and she fits their standard of beauty, he’ll know what lynching really means.
If she’s say…a Monica Lewenksi type, or if she’s a minority, he’ll be fine.
She’s stuck between a rock and a hard place, unfortunately, and stands a good chance of being victimized again.

I’ve been saying something very similar. For matters of his personal safety, and also the womens’, I hope their identities are never revealed.

It doesn’t surprise me one iota that that Archbigot RSMcC is calling for their being outed. So much for obedience to law and order, and settled decisions e_e

We’ll once again be taught an unavoidable lesson in just how the right ranks the value of women of different perceived races/ethnicities, as if anyone needs another object lesson in that. I’ve also said I’ll defend him from any hemp-ropers that form, regardless of what letter is after their name. I put nothing past anyone, on this topic.