
'Conservatives' Who Want to Ban Books

Quella2/12/2009 3:59:02 pm PST

re: #377 J.S.

pffft! You are sooo naive. Go vist some neo-nazi site which lists all the “objectionable” bits and calls for the banning of Torah, Talmud, etc. As if your excuses would be listened to! Laughable.

There is a long history of Neonazis and antisemites putting forth false Talmudic quotes.

The Jewish faith does not support violence in the way the Islamic faith does. A mere examination of the competing foundational documents provides evidence of this.

And the Talmud is a series of arguments which go back and forth. The Talmud itself is over seven feet in length. It is not a “how to” manual on how to practice Judaism. There are numerous books which in fact interpret the Talmud. Modern Judaism is really based off the Shulchan Aruch and Maimonedes.