
New Gallup Poll: More Americans See Democratic Party As 'Too Liberal'

CyanSnowHawk7/01/2009 3:43:49 pm PDT

re: #355 ~Fianna

If I seemed to be justifying infidelity, that was not at all my intent.

But I do have to say that I have more sympathy for someone who can’t deal with the fact that they’re gay because it’s not easy to come out, and much less easy if you’re older, from a rural area and in a Conservative leaning church.

On the scale of cheating politicians, Craig actually gets some sympathy because of the circumstances. Ensign not so much. Nothing there he couldn’t get at home.

Except that is not true, it’s like saying that ‘one size fits all’ and assumes that all women are the same. This is not a defense of any philanderer. Every couple should live within the bounds of their commitment to one another.