
US Baptists Accused of Child Trafficking in Haiti

researchok2/01/2010 4:55:33 pm PST

re: #347 idioma

No, but there might be some evidence that it was built. I’m asking very basically: what god told anyone anything, ever?

Or is god just another lame excuse to diddle kids and skim what little the poor have left? I’d like to think it’s all about love, but the evidence says otherwise.

Hmmmm every believer is wrong, billions upon billions.

God thing we have you to set us all straight.

You want evidence? Do you have any idea how many mouths a day religious people and organizations feed? Do you have any idea how many hospitals have been built by religious people and religious organizations? Do you know how many homeless shelters, old age homes, hospices and facilities for the mentally challenged are are run by religious people and organizations? Do you know that good works all over the world are funded by religious people and organizations?

Personally, I don’t wear religion on my sleeve, but that’s just me but I see a lot of good work. And I also see a lot of good works done by none believers.

It is true there are religious assholes- just like there are atheist assholes.

Know what I hat I mean? Sure you do.