
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Lizard by the Bay3/30/2009 1:29:30 pm PDT

Another attack the messenger thread. Sigh…

If sea levels have indeed been rising for 50 years, then why aren’t some low lying island nations like Kiribati simply gone completely? The only islands anyone can find “affected” by rising seas are the Mortlock and Carteret Islands. What do these islands have in common that no other coral atolls do? They are located right on the subduction line where the plate they rest on is sliding underneath an adjacent plate, pulling the islands down.

Also, the waters of both islands were heavily fished with dynamite during the Bougainville uprising, destroying much of the natural reef that acted as a breakwater for these islands. As a result, tidal waves that used to be harmless are instead sweeping over these islands, accelerating erosion far beyond what has been historically seen.

Frankly, I don’t care who Mrner breaks bread with. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Aren’t there enough liberal sites dedicated to propping up the myths of global warming?