
Creationist Unanimously Elected to Lead SC Republican Party

Randall Gross5/18/2009 8:03:35 pm PDT

re: #359 Last Mohican

One LGFer posted a link to such a story here. It was on his own blog. Charles killed it.

I don’t know about the “molested” part, but the suggestion was that the Explorers program (a co-ed affiliate of the BSA) was training and arming Obama’s “civilian defense force,” under the guise of a program designed to introduce kids to careers in law enforcement.

Explorer scouts have had traning and ride along programs with most branches of law enforcement for decades. NYT did a bit on how they were training with Homeland security on border raids, terrorism, etc. and some long past molestation scandals. The paleosphere, the paulosphere, and the jonesosphere went immediately to “Obama’s SekrEt CiViliaN Armeeeees!” with no real linkage whatsoever