
More Scenes From a Tea Party

jorline9/13/2009 7:40:58 pm PDT

re: #351 Cato the Elder

So tell me this: If the Maine and New Hampshire lobstermen discovered they have endoskeletons and told the rest of the world “no more lobster under six bucks a pound”, would that be fair in your eyes?
Yes! If the oil company’s can get way with it and the market will pay it…go for it.

Don’t tell me about production costs until you take a look at what running a lobster boat costs per diem.
I know all about production cost, I deal with it daily. Charge what you have need or go out of business…happens everyday.

If the Sopranos have the distributorship locked up, why shouldn’t the Jacksons and the Gordons lock up the point-of-production sales, i.e. what it costs off the boat?
Please clue me in…are you talking about Michael and Flash?

Mynheer Peeperkorn in Amsterdam might have to pay more to take his 17-year-old girlfriend out for Maine lobster in a week.
Free market…price you pay for underage companionship.

Sniff. Whuffle. Sigh.

Cato, please put my comments in their full context.
I still haven’t figured out what you’re whining about.