
Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) Says People Who Criticize the Koch Brothers Should Be Prosecuted Under the RICO Act

palomino3/10/2014 5:32:27 pm PDT

re: #359 Pie-onist Overlord

I’d live in Sweden!
But Canada is closer.

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People who post that kind of shit are oblivious to the fact that we already DO live in a country with a lot of socialism. It’s called a “mixed economy” and all Western nations have it. The ratio of public sector/private sector is tilted more towards the private here than in Sweden, but both countries have a mixture of socialism and capitalism. And most Americans want that, whether they know it or not.

So what we’re really talking about is the proper mixture of public and private sectors allocation. Which is why debate is impossible with absolutists like Bachmann and the CPAC crowd. They’ve taken the black and white position of private = good, public = bad, so there’s no room left for realistic pragmatic discourse on the topic. There’s only room left for theatrics (Cruz, et al.) and hysteria (Cruz, Palin, and pretty much everyone else in the TP).