
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

gnargtharst3/30/2009 1:50:25 pm PDT

“Maybe you haven’t noticed, but the vast majority of scientists DO generally agree with AGW, and agree that ocean levels are rising.”

Then why the phrase “every other scientist in the world”?

The phrase marginalizes, via minor syntax, all of the non-kook deniers; it straw-mans the crux of the debate.

Do you believe skepticism about catastrophic AGW is equivalent to skepticism about, say, evolution?

Briefly, my own position on the issue, lest my own straw get all pitchforked:

I believe in global warming. Or cooling. One of those. Depends on the time frame, margin of error. etc.

I’m slightly more skeptical about man-made effets on climate, though not entirely dismissive of the idea.

I utterly reject the notion that such as exists could even remotely be called “catastrophic”.

I *more* utterly reject the idea that the solution to such a “problem”, if it existed, would be massive government abrogation of freedom.

(And finally, I’m highly skeptical of 99% of everybody who even has an opinion on the science of this issue. It is an abstract topic, valid induction of which requires massive data; I do not trust that most people embark on this topic free of prejudice, especially now that it almost entirely politicized.)