
Robert Spencer Confirmed to Attend Eurofascist Conference

Zimriel4/24/2009 7:13:13 pm PDT

re: #382 Ayatollah Ghilmeini

What if the conference organizers are not telling the truth?

Spencer has sent me yet another email:

I think Robert Spencer and Charles are being abused. If these guys are fascists, people who support Israel are their ultimate enemy and nothing would delight them more than to see fractures in our ranks.

Israel is not their ultimate enemy. The Eurofascists’re too fractured; the Pro Koeln crowd in particular are not anti-zionists. Read or re-read gegenkritik’s reports. The Eurofascists have a wide array of enemies they can draw on to get their public support. And they have a wide array of unpleasant traits beyond anti-zionism (we might start with anti-semitism against those Jews in Europe who have made homes in Europe and don’t WANT to make aliya).

I would ask that Charles at least note Spencer’s claim he is not attending and act accordingly if he does attend.

Someone here is wrong and it may not be Spencer or Charles.

As they say. Consider the source.

I’d refer you to post #720 in the Twitter thread but Charles did that while I was writing this…