
Overnight Open Thread

Irish Rose8/01/2009 8:04:03 am PDT

I think we’re locked in the archaic mindset here in America that HSR is something that will be too difficult and too expensive to accomplish. We justify refusing to commit to the idea by finding one reason after another to put it off. We assert that people probably won’t use it, and speculate that it might not be worth the investment in the long run.

The reality is the HSR has significantly contributed to economic growth to both Europe and Asia. If the American people should collectively decide that HSR should be a priority here in the states, and commit to making it a funding priority, basic HSR could be implimented in a relatively quick timeframe. If Japan and Europe can do it, on post-war budgets, then so can we.

The real problem is that we’re addicted to our cars. We’d rather throw billiions of dollars into road repair every single year to accomodate those cars, than make a long term investment in our economic future.

My two cents.