
Mob Mentality at Town Hall Meetings

opnion8/08/2009 10:14:16 am PDT

re: #363 iceweasel

No, it is not a new take.

The MSM is sinking, in part, because they like to portray facts as if they always had two sides. Some of the coverage (Fox news, Lou Dobbs) of nirtherism was like that. “Well, some people ate asking questions, so we have to cover it like those questions are legitimate!”

It’s exactly like creationism and the ID tactic of “Teach the controversy!”
Sometimes there is no controversy, and you do people an intellectual disservice and betray your trade by pretending that there is and by ‘teaching the controversy’.

Whew! That’s good to know, there are no Nirther nuts to create a controversy.Lou Dobbs is doing it.