
Video: Mike Huckabee Speaks to Radical Anti-Abortion 'Personhood' Group

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)9/21/2011 5:24:51 am PDT

8 Simple Questions You Won’t Believe Science Can’t Answer

So, what happens when you ask scientists exactly what makes a bicycle stable? Or what keeps it going? Or how people ride them? Well, odds are they’ll either nervously tell you that they have cookies in the oven and run out on you, or if they’re honest, they’ll give you a pretty big shrug. In fact, top bike researchers admit that, even though some people have come up with equations on how to ride a bike or how they think bikes work, those equations are pretty much fancy icing on top of a cake of cluelessness. One Cornell researcher even says that absolutely nobody has ever come to an intuitive understanding of what makes a bicycle do its thing.