
Krauthammer Wants Honest Debate

iceweasel8/21/2009 1:28:51 pm PDT

re: #383 Korla Pundit

Unless they are illegal aliens. Or looking to get an abortion.

Utterly false. No version of the bill will cover illegal aliens.

No Free Care for Illegal Aliens in the HealthCare Bill

And as for abortions, they’re only covered to the same extent they always were:

First, we checked a claim by Rep. John Boehner that the plan would require Americans to “subsidize abortion with their hard-earned tax dollars.” While there are several versions of the health care plan floating around Congress, and it seems that full abortion coverage would be permitted in the government-sponsored program, we didn’t see anything in them that would put taxpayers on the hook for subsidizing abortions. In fact, we found an amendment in a key version of the House plan that specifically seeks to ensure that federal funds are not used to subsidize abortion coverage. And so we ruled that claim False

There are reasonable worries and concerns to have about the health care plans, in particular involving unintended consequences, such as the effect of a public option on private insurance companies. But repeating lies and distortions that are easily debunked, such as above, makes one distrust all of your analysis, quite frankly. If you can’t be bothered to use google to factcheck such easily dispovable assertions, it becomes very difficult to take any of your aseertions seriously.