
Speaking of Creationism: A Missouri GOP Lawmaker Is Trying to Make Teaching Evolution Optional

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus2/07/2014 7:53:37 pm PST

I do think that Coyne has failed to draw a distinction between 1) “religion”, and 2) mysticism/magical thinking/supernaturalism.

The scientific method is clearly antithetical to number 2 above. This is something that “accomodationists” tend to go soft on.

However, there are religious practices which people perform which are not in category 2. There are non-magical religious practices, cultural rituals that do more to bind a group of people together than to make any grand metaphysical statement.

Coyne also continually under appreciates his own observation that religion is a human made thing. If we invented it (and we did) then we did so for purposes required by us. And if we did so to fill a need (or needs), then it is unreasonable to think religion can be gotten rid of so easily.

It will take years, decades, and centuries (if we have that long) to build societies not on the religious mindsets of old.