
His Quest to Unseal Michael Brown's Juvenile Records Thwarted, Chuck C. Johnson Goes Psycho

lawhawk9/09/2014 6:45:40 pm PDT

re: #36 Charles Johnson

They’ve got about 10 days of work in DC between now and Election Day. Ponder that for a moment. They’re going to spend how much time on Benghazi, which Issa has already investigated up the ying-yang with no finding of fault on the Administration, so Boehner decided to send in Gowdy to try again.

This is Congress. Bread and circuses for the people. It’s a witch hunt and the only outcome is that the GOP running this clown show get reelected on the belief that they’ll do something to stop Obama, even if it means making stuff up. The investigations are red-meat for the rank and file. Because they can’t deliver on any of the other promises like repealing ACA or shutting down the government again (not that they wouldn’t mind trying again).

The ACA is turning out to be a whole lot more successful than anyone planned, to the point where some states are considering expanding Medicaid b/c they don’t want to be seen as standing in the way of giving health insurance coverage to millions.

But that’s what the GOP has done all this time - trying to thwart access to health insurance. It’s sickening.