
Monday Acoustic Jam: Calum Graham, "The Nomad"

EPR-radar3/28/2016 6:54:12 pm PDT

re: #28 KGxvi

Let’s assume for a minute that Trump somehow manages to win the general election (I don’t see his path to 270 electoral votes, but let’s put that aside for the moment). What, potentially, would Congress look like? We would have to assume, I think, that Republicans held both the House and the Senate, correct? Would it be more Tea Party-y? Or less? Would Ryan and McConnell have any sort of control over their caucuses? And what happens if/when Trump does something that doesn’t sit well with this hypothetical Congress? How quickly do they turn on each other and how far does it go? I’m honestly curious about how to game this out

I think Trump and a GOP Congress would turn on each other almost immediately. On immigration, Trump would face significant resistance from the chamber of commerce types that are for open borders + second class status for workers to drive down wages.

It would be deeply ironic if the only thing stopping a GOP congress from impeaching and convicting Trump and his veep to install the GOP speaker of the House as president ended up being lack of a 2/3 GOP majority in the Senate.

Realistically, I’d be far more interested in seeing if I can flee the US than in the details of a Trump - GOP war with the Democrats having no power at the federal level.