
Obama Lifts Ban on Funding for Embryonic Stem Cell Research

lawhawk3/09/2009 9:51:38 am PDT

It was NEVER a ban on funding for embryonic stem cell research. It was a limitation on federal funding. Federal funding for embryonic stem cells was never considered by the government until Bush in early 2001. The rules were actually proffered right before 9/11.

Everything I wrote a month ago is just as appropriate now.

There were no limitations on private funding for embryonic stem cell research, and research on adult stem cells and cord blood stem cells were unfettered by any limitations as well.

The smart money has gone into adult stem cells and cord blood stem cell research, which aren’t affected by the moral and ethical dilemnas posed by embryonic stem cell research. ASCR and CBSCR are both providing advances and therapies are either coming into use or are in the pipeline. The same can’t be said of embryonic stem cells because of a problem with differentiation of those cells - there’s an issue with cancerous growth.