
Outrageous Outrage Over White House 'Jerusalem' Photo Op

Buck8/16/2011 7:35:53 pm PDT

re: #38 Obdicut

Given that I already said that was a symoblic gesture that wouldn’t actually do any good, I guess you’re just not paying any atteniotn.

It is funny, I do a search on this page for “symoblic gesture” and I don’t seem to find where you said that “already”.

It was not a “symoblic gesture” when in 2002, Congress directed the State Department to “record the place of birth as Israel” in passports of American children born in Jerusalem if their parents ask.

It was not just a “symoblic gesture” when President George W. Bush signed that bill. Yes, I know he opposed it, but he signed it.

And it would not be a “symoblic gesture” to me and millions of Jews who feel that this is really a terrible way to treat a friend.