
John Birch Society Praises Glenn Beck for Promoting Their 'Ideas'

Spare O'Lake8/06/2010 2:13:29 pm PDT

re: #363 Obdicut

Ending dependence on ME oil in ten years is what he meant. But that doesn’t mean what you want it to mean.

Do you really think you’re not completely obvious in the way you’re arguing about this, man?

Look man, I started this discussion with a light-hearted, friendly suggestion that America should buy all its oil from Canada. In the course of the discussion I invoked Obama’s policy in order to enhance the prospect of increased imports from Canada. You are the one who then started doing cartwheels and backflips in a transparent attempt to transform the stated policy to one of ending all use of oil or all imported oil. When you lead with your chin like that, why complain if someone gently tweaks it? And now, backed by a couple of tools, you choose to accuse me of having engineered the whole discussion into an attack on Obama. But you are wrong…I actually BELIEVE Obama’s policy is what he said it was, and it is YOU who is pretending otherwise.
Get it?