
Ron Paul: Libertarian, Except When It Comes to Women's Rights

Gus4/12/2011 9:30:08 am PDT

So what gets cut?

Newly Released Spending Deal Targets Health, Environment, Energy

House Republicans and Senate Democrats have posted details of the bipartisan spending agreement that staved off a shutdown, providing a first look at where the $39.9 billion of cuts come from on a program by program basis.

Republican priorities can be seen throughout the agreement, with reduced funding for enforcing environmental regulation, scientific research, health care, and education all leaping out.

One of the hardest hit institutions is the Environmental Protection Agency, whose power Republicans have sought to curtail in recent years through a variety of legislative means. The agency will receive $1.6 billion less in funding than current levels, a 16 percent drop, including a $49 million reduction in climate change programs and $149 million cut to the Land and Water Conservation Fund. In a press release, Senate Appropriation Committee Democrats noted that the EPA cuts, while tough, were nearly $1.6 billion less than Republicans’ original proposal. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also saw a $142 million reduction in funding and is prohibited from creating a Climate Service…

Of course the war machine goes untouched. The reality though is that these cuts only represent 2 percent or so of the budget. But it is interesting to note what actually does get cut. It certainly won’t impact the military-industrial complex and the Fortune 500s.