
Video: A Master Class in Logo Design From Aaron Draplin

BeachDem12/21/2014 11:45:15 am PST

Courtesy of TBogg, a wrapup of the following wingnut twits’ tweets:

Colorless, odorless, shapeless, man-without-form, content or dimension: former New York Governor George Pataki

Sexual assault curator and admiral of money-losing National Review Online, Rich Lowry

Blip in a bygone cultural touchstone and current talking point Pez dispenser on Fox News, Stacey Dash

White trash radio celeb and gun-humper Dana Loesch

Failed political candidate and meat-headed Bhenghazi-truther Dan Bongino

Convicted felon and Judith Regan boinker Bernie Kerik

The Sergeants Benevolent Association of New York

Guy who was in My Bodyguard and then disappeared (Adam Baldwin)

Deadbeat dad guy (Joe Walsh)

Nitwit (Katie Pavlich)