
Iron Man and Sub-Mariner, Issue #1

OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin7/03/2011 5:55:20 am PDT

re: #386 RogueOne

I won’t beat him up for not closing Gitmo. Even though he used it to beat up on his opponents during the election, he was ill informed when he was a candidate. OTOH, I’ll happily point out that their plan to put these idiots on trial in the states was both a dumb idea and almost a complete disaster.

Yeah, impossible to please anyone with the Gitmo situation. My own position (already stated) is no one will find me coming apart at the seams over it. Nor have I become one of these campaign promise-counters. Not likely to, either.

He’s a politician. This is what politicians do. I think he’s done alright, overall.