
John Cook Leaving Greenwald's "The Intercept" - Another High Profile Bail-Out

Skip Intro11/13/2014 4:35:44 pm PST

Bryan’s making a total ass of himself, again.

Tomorrow, for the first time, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., will host a Muslim prayer service and Bryan Fischer is predictably outraged, urging his listeners to call the cathedral and complain that allowing this prayer service to take place violates the Ten Commandments.

On his radio program today, Fischer gave out the cathedral’s phone number and encouraged his listeners to call and voice their opposition by complaining that the prayer service is really an effort to convert the cathedral into a mosque and is in violation of the very first of the Ten Commandments.

“This is one of the Ten Commandments,” Fischer said. “You shall have no other gods before me. Allah is another god. The Bible says you, as a nation, shall have no other gods before me … Make your objections known, that you object to the National Cathedral being turned into a mosque. That was not the purpose for which it was built. The purpose for which it was built is to worship the God that made America great and you object to it being used to worship a god of a completely different religion”:

Because the ten commandments are the law of the land in the US. Bryan might want to check with his pals who are passing laws forbidding foreign religious laws from being followed in the US.

What a douche.